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NYC Mission Trip

Fall 2025  

Fall 2025  Mission Trip

This Fall we will travel to the big apple to serve in several ways those who are in need. We will serve out of the New Hope Family Worship Center, a Wesleyan inner city church of Brooklyn. NHFWC has been ministering to the people of Brooklyn for over 25 years and making a great impact for the kingdom of God. 
We will have opportunities to share in their ministry as well as some of the other ministries in NYC. Join with us as we become the hands and feet of Jesus in NYC this fall. 

Sign Up  Below Today!
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Coat and Blanket Ministry

Help us collect coats, hats, gloves, socks, hoodies and other winter clothes that we can take and share with homeless and other needy people throughout NHFWC.

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Park Ministry

There are many homeless in Washington Square Park and Tompkins Square Park. We will spend time giving care packets and prayer to those we meet.

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Food Ministry

Through NHFWC and other organizations we will serve meals to those in need.

Sign Up Here

To signup, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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